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The Story Of Ashanti

(And How MeditationFusion Came To Be)

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Ashanti is the spirit name of my late wife Maureen - how do i know this?


I have a direct line to her via my Reiki Master teacher/channel Audrey Haddacks.

How do i know Ashanti is Maureen?

Please read on and you will be in no doubt The events are clearly labelled for those that wish to skim :) 


 in this physical life she started out as Maureen Houlihan born in 1960 in a country district called Casterton in Western Victoria, Australia where her parents were a teacher and a farmer. When she died she was Maureen Eddison OAM the changes reflect her taking my surname and the award of the Order of Australia Medal for her service in organising international medical missions to the Phillipines to help destitute children (and parents) have cleft lip and palette deformities fixed for free and as a result given a whole new life.


Ashanti would have it no other way than she merely organised a top notch crew of surgeons, anesthetists, nurses, other helpers and a dentist that did the actual surgery together with the local Rotarians that did the required community based work. More than once a hospital pulled the plug on the co-sharing agreement with less than a month to go and yet Ashanti was able to relocate the entire mission to another hospital and the mission completed, with on average 80 children given a new life each time the mission came to the southern city of Cebu.


My spirit name is Ashan and Simon in this physical life - how do I know?

Well it says Simon on my birth certificate and my passport :)

Ashanti told me my spirit name.

We were married in 1997 and in 2007 I started to feel the draw of the spiritual and became interested in energy, law of attraction etc.


Maureen was catholic school educated and the nuns had done a great job in putting the guilt in up to the eyebrows. There wasn’t much room left for spiritual thinking but she tried.

I had been really trying to connect with the whole universal energy thing and had an idea after listening to an interview with Joe Vitale that we should spend a year committing to the whole law of attraction thing and documenting our findings then I would write a book about it.


And so, the dream began. Ashanti however wasn’t really committed like I was - she would not complete affirmations energy work etc and when i held her accountable it became my problem not hers. As may be known to you dear reader when one partner in a relationship changes and the other doesn’t understand or want to change with them there will be a lot of fireworks along, the way!


There were a lot of fights although we did manage to patch things up enough to buy enough properties that year to make the financial goals we had set a reality.


The book never eventuated - I wrote it but apparently you need to be famous for it to have any interest.


It was tough to carry on at loggerheads so I kept my spiritual ideas to myself after that and a previously good marriage resumed being a good marriage.


In 2010 I was approached by some of Ashanti's colleagues and asked for background information as they were undertaking a task that required it but I. needed to not tell her no matter what - could I promise that?


I decided that I couldn't because we did have good communication I thought I would blab !
So I referred them to my sister in law that would have all Ashanti's background medical information - (not from a medical standpoint) but it turns out that there are a lot of pages on the application form to give a full picture of the applicants career and because all her colleagues were from NSW there were a lot of gaps and so the family were the best bet.


I completely forgot about this until in 2014 I got an advance call that she was on the list and she needed to accept it in beforehand when a letter came through (I believe it is in order that someone does not use it as a kind of protest but maybe that was just a Yes Minister episode :) )


Maureen was indeed award the Order of Australia in 2014 - it had taken 4 years from the submission by her colleagues on the missions and it was just in time for her to enjoy it. She had been leading the mission for 20 years so that meant around 1600 children had a new life free from the deformities of cleft lip and/or palette (primarily from bad diet) that would prevent them getting the education they needed. These deformities are very rare in Australia yet a relatively simple 45 minute operation could fix each deformity and allow the children to go to school and in some cases take them off the streets where they had been begging or crawling through enormous rubbish tips in search of anything that they could sell. In fact an important part of the overall mission each year was for the local Rotary to keep many of the children selected for surgery off these rubbish piles for 2 to 3 weeks beforehand so they weren't disqualified at the last minute because they were ill and therefore not a good candidate for successful surgery.


So when it came to receiving her extremely prestigious award she really was quite taken aback as it was a team effort she always believed and whilst I knew what she and this quite extraordinary group had achieved, when I heard some of the stories of courage that had led to others winning their award I must confess I felt quite inadequate. Ashanti herself really thought she had not deserved it after hearing the other stories for example helicopter pilots flying time after time in dangerously high winds next to cliffs in Christmas Island after refugee boats had broken apart.


It was a wonderful ceremony and all of us and we were naturally thoroughly proud of her.


This  is Ashanti's actual OAM award  - you get 3 versions and select the right one based on the function


Ashanti has a star named after her -with the very catchy name of p Can HIP 59449 - SAO 239737 - HD 105937

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Fast forward to 2015



 Event 1


We are sitting on the deck of our beach house in southern NSW and i see the next door neighbour doing some maintenance on his house so I pop down for a chat.


And here starts a cascade of events that with hindsight show how destiny can be changed with one decision.


And yet I was to discover that that decision was part of intricate plan that had been made before we set foot on earth, born in the Spirit world which would place us in our physical lives starting at opposite ends of the earth with completely different backgrounds with one from the City one from the Country with a plan to somehow get together - marry and then ......


But I digress ....  a series of events involved us moving to Melbourne: -


The chat to the next door neighbour during a new year stay at the beach house that we had had for nearly 10 years unveiled the fact that more trouble seemed to be coming to the area (petty vandalism) where we had a such a lovely beach house and I loved it so much I didn't want my memories to be tainted.


This came at a time where I was not liking the commute to work in Sydney, so I asked her if she wanted to move back to Melbourne where she had spent many years as a young woman and trained as a nurse there.


Once she said yes were locked in for a move to Melbourne.



 Event 2



A few months later I had been made redundant but gained a contract role with a State government agency in Sydney and got talking to a couple of people there who were quite open that they believed in all of this spiritual stuff and one of them said I just had to go see a certain medium called Elisabeth Jensen who was going to be at the mind body and spirit festival in Sydney in September.


Elisabeth was running a visit to Brazil to see a healer called St John of God just outside the capital Brasilia and I had been freaked out by the probability that I had rheumatoid arthritis and I wanted it fixed.


So, I was interested and as I got a reading from Elisabeth, I was told there would be major changes for me at the end of the year. New and exciting career moves I thought ...


So in October that year having just sold the beach house, we moved down there.



 Event 3



Shortly after we moved to Melbourne it was time to for me to confirm my booking to Brazil for the trip to see St John Of God. I got the quotes together via the web but thought since there was such a complicated itinerary with people coming from different locations I should get a copy of the itinerary and see a travel agent to make sure it all lined up perfectly as there were plenty of transfers in the mix.


So I saw a local travel agent with a copy of the itinerary and asked her to make sure she booked all flights so that I was ready to meet with everyone at the first meeting point.


Then I told Maureen I had booked it and she was furious - “I thought you had given up all that hocus pocus nonsense “ she said 


“No I just don’t discuss with you anymore from what you told me about Rheumatoid Arthritis I will go there no matter what if it can get rid of it for me.”


Ashanti as always calmed down quickly after she had let off steam. “Ok then she said if you really want to go”



 Event 4


We had both been told we could transfer with work however I was made redundant whilst still in Sydney and Maureen’s promised role never materialised so instead of a permanent role was working casual for a Nursing Agency with not work over the extended xmas holiday.


 Event 5


The move had changed our normal Christmas dynamic and we were at a Melbourne family Christmas not where we would normally have been in Sydney where my brother and sister in law announced they were spending a week in Bali and if Maureen wanted to come along, she could.


She asked me if I was happy for her to have a holiday without me - I happily said yes as we had been to Bali a couple of years earlier and had not liked it and I was working anyway over Christmas.



 Event 6. === THE BIG ONE


It was on that holiday on New Year’s Day 2016 Maureen had a heart attack after snorkeling and died. She was with her brother and his family at the time but they could not get her to hospital in time.


With my spiritual background after a couple of weeks I sought to contact her and she are through very strongly with personal messages introducing herself that made it clear it was her - no-one else would have known those things and told me when she died her first thoughts were about me and to try to hang on but she could not.


o April came around and at the coming weekend it was time to go to Brazil to se St John of God for an energy healing.


I received a phone call on the Friday from my former colleague who had introduced me to Elisabeth Jensen who was also going.


“Are you looking forward to Sunday?” she said


“Sunday you know we are going to Brazil or had you forgotten?”

“I am well aware I am going to Brazil but it is on Saturday not Sunday”


“You best check with your travel agent”


I did and despite crosschecking the itinerary I was going on Saturday and would effectively be there 24 hours ahead of everyone else !!


I told my friend and said well I guess I’ll be there a day ahead of you all.


I was indeed and after having to negotiate my way to a 1 horse town an hour and a half outside Brasilia at 11pm as of course the transport was booked for the following day I finally hit the pillow after 36 hours on the rod door to door.


When I woke up later that morning I checked my phone as we all do these days only to find that that the same flight on the Sunday out of Melbourne had to turn back at Perth and fly to Sydney for repairs !!


In other words I wouldn’t have made it !!

Yet the schedules were meticulously checked - Don’t ask me how it could have happened I have no idea!


So I was there a day of everyone else and had a day free to explore the town - well an hour was all that was required as the Casa was the main attraction.


After I had finished exploring I came back to the hotel and found a gentleman in a wheelchair outside the hotel. I sat down and started chatting. He explained that he was a helper at the Casa and if I liked he would take me there to say a prayer for Maureen.


I said yes that would be great and followed him there we he said that the group of Spirits that are present around the Casa due to the huge amounts of naturally occurring crystals had said to him that Maureen had been asked to become one of the Spirit helpers at the Casa because there were so many children that were brought for healing and she had helped so many children in the Phillipines.


For that to happen though it meant that she did not have to reincarnate any more so I had to give permission. So I literally had to write a short letter giving permission for her to help here and not reincarnate any more. Of course I agreed and placed it with the other requests for consideration in the Spirit world.


As we queued for our turn to see St John of God who performed psychic surgery in a hacienda/church cross kind of building built on massive seams of quartz crystal Elisabeth our guide came up to me and said that Maureen was here and would be looking after me!


She also confirmed that my request to allow her to become one of the healing entities here was accepted and that she would indeed do work here  especially helping children as she had done the missions in the Philippines.


Given that Maureen had been so against all my spiritual beliefs when she was alive - I did have to ask are there jokes in the spirit world ? When Elisabeth said there were of course I said “Maureen I told you so!”


About a year later I was completing my Reiki level 2 training at Mystical Dragon in Melbourne and as is common with this sort of training you take it in turns to practice what you have learnt on a partner and then switch over. My assigned partner was retaking her certifications as she had lost them moving interstate and so was very experienced. When she had finished practicing on me she said “ I don’t normally say when things come through to clients but you told me about your wife and she came through and showed me some visions.” She described perfectly our honeymoon in Paris that she had no knowledge of and also the Casa with the huge quartz crystals and then a waterfall (which was next to the Casa).


She also informed me of a few things that Maureen had told her which no-one else would have known.


I still had some very flat times following not only Maureen death but some other work related incidents and continued to see Audrey when I was not up to using reiki on myself and Maureen would always come through and assist. During one session she asked Audrey to leave as she would work on me personally !


Then when I just went to see Audrey as a channel Maureen came through and gave me the first of my tasks. I was to create healing music from scratch. She mentioned how she remembered me playing guitar and could see me tuning it with a singing bowl and I should go immediately and get one!


That led me to investigation of different tunings and the healing effects of sound. I eventually learnt to program synthesisers with unnatural  tunings to get the exact frequencies required and arranged another channeling session with Ashanti to get her feedback. As soon as I started playing my piece Audrey felt an amazing reaction and a whole procession of Spirits trying to come through to see what this special music was ! She literally had to ask them to move away and she coined the idea that I should open a ticket agency called Spiritek :)


During this session Ashanti told me that I had created a sound that was very like the spirit world and that I had created exactly what was expected.


I dint really know what to with that on its own and so about a year later I asked for a session via Audrey again and Audrey said Ashanti was almost like a Boxing Day shopper after a bargain she was so eager to come through.


My next assignment was the big one - This was what we had planned it was now time to turn that music into healing for as many people as possible. Covid was prevalent in Melbourne at the time and so it was a virtual session with Audrey but Audrey had found there was really no difference she could still see auras even on a virtual session - presumably because the energy connection is with the person not the video session.


And so I was now given my new assignment crafted as a soul plan before we set foot on earth that Maureen would die and come back to guide me to create music and use my spiritual faith and awareness to integrate it with crystals, deities and of course reiki.


So I had previously been told by another medium that there was a very important job for me in about 2 years about 3 years ago and so I thought I had missed my chance but here it was. I didn’t get the full details (Maureen always made you work)  other than it involved the sounds I had done previously and the universal solid shapes. I immediately went back to a schoolroom when I was probably 12 and said do you mean the Kepler-Poinsot solids and she said yes plus some others. I was always fascinated with this class and it came back to me straight away I was always one of the point zero zero zero one percent that knew instantly what an icosahedron was (a 20 sided shape ironically used in dungeons and dragons which I have never played)


And apparently this combination of shapes , crystals sounds was the key to the best way to raise the vibration of as many people as possible.

Audrey mentioned a merkaba as well, which I had never heard of.


I was tasked with creating a course that combined all of these aspects and allowed them to build for reiki practitioners.


 So armed with this information I stuck with the knowledge that if it is to positively lift as many as possible meditation must be the key because a group meditation has exponential power. That means if 2 people meditate with the same intent the power is 4 times - 3 people 8 times. This is because 2 to the power of 2 is 4 and 2 to the power of 3 is 8 etc.


So even though meditation wasn’t mentioned I instinctively knew that this was the key to multiplying the effect.


So I immediately went to a spiritual/crystal store to buy a set of the crystal solids and a merkaba and asked do you have any books on how to use these - and the owner says there’s one that we have and so I bought that and when I got it home the Egyptian crossover was amazing. I also thought I need to check my progress so bought a crystal pendulum in the shape of a merkaba.


Don’t you just love it when you know that you are on the right track!!


So I fired up my crystal pendulum to energetically determine which of the chakras were matched to each shape.  Once I took into account the eight chakra (The soul star) I was one shape short but the book had mentioned how the Ancient Egyptians had their own chakra system (which crossed over mostly) and they had their Ankh symbol matched to the throat.


I used the crystal pendulum to get my answers to which chakra matched which shape and then tested for the Ankh and throat chakra and sure enough that was the match.


For the deities I thought that Archangel Michael and Archangel Uriel would be perfect to call in and so now I was ready to call in Ashanti to test if I had completed the test correctly.


And the results were a 90% pass !!


The improvements requested were to call in guan Yin - a buddhist philosophy bhodissatva

And add in the Earth star energy centre. Which is your physical earth anchor point. I had asked the pendulum about whether I needed to guide energy during the meditation back up after guiding it down and received no and this was still true as by bringing in the earth star energy it would automatically return.


And that my friends is how an IT with a business degree in accounting became a reiki master and teamed up with his twin flame to deliver a vibrational uplift program from the spirit world.


The medical team that Maureen guided to many successful missions let me know they had formed their own charity in Maureen's honour called SmileforME - the ME being for Maureen Eddison. I encourage you to visit their site to discover the fantastic work that they do.


Please do not believe the trumped up charges  against St John of god as Ashanti told me they were all false - they have been made up as the authorities have been trying to get rid of him for years due to the perceived loss of power by the Catholic Church there. The Church felt it was a massive challenge to its authority.



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